
Black Friday vs Shop Small Saturday: Do We REALLY Have To Think About It? Are We THAT Hard-Up For A Big TV?

As much as I would love this post to have a calm and moderate tone, sorry, it’s  just not happening.

Just starting to come off the worst economic downfall most of us have ever been through, we find ourselves on the cusp of the start of the holiday shopping season.

Plan this morning was to write about promoting 2nd Annual Shop Small SaturdayThis coming Saturday, November 26, the focus is on shopping at your local merchant, and supporting small business, which will, in turn support us all.

Watched the morning news first, was absolutely horrified to see wall-to-wall ads for big-box stores open all night, one gleefully adding the tag”…so you don’t have to wait outside.”

Folks-take a look at your downtown. See the empty storefronts?

Think about  your own circle. Know anyone who is out of work, or had their hours cut back?

Money spent in the community puts dollars in the pockets of your neighbors, and strengthens us all. It is really that simple.  

You don’t even need to be in a ‘big gift’ frame of mind.  Have the last few years taught us nothing at all??

Last year I started a series called Giving the Gift, where ideas for unique, thoughtful and local gifts were highlighted, in the areas of  Delight,  In Honor OfEntertainment,  EnrichmentMembership,  and Original ArtAnd yes, I have a bunch more of new ideas lined up for the days to come!

Will Hamm, a Realtor pal in Denver who works smart, and with his heart,  shared a story written by a NEW Realtor friend,  Toni Weidman  from ReMAX of New Port Richey FL.   Called Let’s Help Keep Our Local Businesses Open, Toni stresses the importance of not just buying local, but buying AMERICAN, and buying SMART.  Click here to read her very simple, common-sense suggestions.

Look, I’ve been in retail 25 years. Trust me when I say big-box store management likens the American buying public to a gang of rats in a maze, looking for the cheese (in this case, cheap consumer electronics).  With a few cheap TVs they manufacture drama, and attempt to re-train the consumer to think of shopping as a competiton sport. I say THEY need to be re-trained.

There is nothing wrong with big TVs, are we just that hard-up for them??

I understand these stores pay local taxes, and employ local people too, but a bad Black Friday will NOT cause anyone to lose their jobs in these stores. But even small actions of many COULD send all the right messages, on everything from quality of life, reminding them consumers hold the cards, and NO, we’re not stupid, and we’re going to be whores for a stupid TV…which will probably be just as cheap next week.  SERIOUSLY.

SO-on Friday-sleep in. Make turkey and cranberry pancakes. Call some old friends and catch up. And make your shopping list for Saturday.

There is no single day where the consumer has more attention paid to them than the day after Thanksgiving.  Please, choose to use your power for good.  And thank you.