
Stagers-Re-Designers-Organizers-OH MY! Tip #1 On How To Choose Who Can Help

With a so-far mild winter at our back, and days that are getting longer, plus for all sorts of other reasons-homeowners are starting to think about improving their properties once again.

Some are finally ready to sell, others ready to buy, and the rest accepting they will be staying, and looking to improve their space so it better fits their needs.

Lots of different people out there who want to help get you going, on the way to a solution and a space that works for you.

Not a surprise-these folks have different levels of skill and services. Just as predictably, schools and organizations that are springing up-mostly online-that offer training and  ‘certification’ for a specific task or title.  So how to get started, how to choose?

Have written about this topic before, the calls and emails I’ve been getting indicate it’s even more relevant today.

Designations, affiliations and continuing education are all important starting points, but in today’s world, a successful hire is all about the person.

 IMO, this field is kind of like the wild west..and, as a project evolves- needs change, projects morph, and lines blur.  

Professionally many skills are transferable, so it’s not as important what someone calls themselves, its what they can do for you, what they bring to the project, and how they will work with your  that will make it a good hire (or NOT). Here is the first of five solid ways to know how to choose the right person for you.

 1. Start a conversation. Don’t assume that a title is a standard definition. OR even that you know what you might need.  I urge people to consider part of why they should hire someone is for their ability to troubleshoot: see, and diagnose underlying issues, then and create a strategy.

Several years ago, I went to a home where the client had already pretty much figured on spending about $12-15K to make a large space over the garage into a kids’ playroom. 

We walked, we talked. Based on their family size, the kids (four) and their ages (5-12), their space, and their needs, I suggested an alternate solution that kept the kids closer to the core of the house, and came it at less than half of what they planned to spend.  Three years later, they are still very pleased with the choices they made.

Tomorrow: Having your back, and having your trust