
What’s New In My Staging Kit This Week?

What’s New In My Staging Kit This Week?

Whenever I ‘find’ anything new/different-or think of something unusual that really does a great job at helping me do my job, I always like to share it.

Nothing extraordinary, just simple things that either entertain and engage buyers , or take care of the ordinary, stupid stuff that happens when you live in a house:  Fingerprints,  pet hair, that sort of thing.

This week I found a new and invaluable tool. Not for the house, or their stuff…but for all the humans in the equation…

Have been a fan of W.S. Badger products for a while….soothing, all natural body care products, their balms are formulated with different botanicals for each task. Sleep Balm? Snooze City!  Sore Muscle Balm? Moving again in no time.  So it was with great delight I found the newest addition to my Staging Kit:

Cheerful Mind formula: How could you not love this?? Honestly, I’m already happier just carrying it around-I mean, look at that cute chubby little guy on the tin!

But open it, run a little on your wrists, temples, even just a touch on the underside tip of  your nose,  and the scent of fresh orange and lemon combined with spearmint will lift you-or anyone else-out of the cranky-pants doldrums in no time.

Seriously, it’s subtle and gentle, and for about $8.00 a tin, you can’t go wrong.  Available at most health-and whole-food stores, keep one in your car, at your desk, wherever there is stress, and you need a smile to be an arm-length away.

To paraphrase Yogi-selling a house is 90% mental, and the other half physical, I am seriously considering making one of these part of each Staging proposal I do.

Double-bonus-it’s a family-run business, and the products are made right here in the northeast-YAY, Badger Balm!