
Why TODAY Is Really Super-Tuesday!

Why TODAY Is Really Super-Tuesday!

While Tuesday March 6th is the singular day where most states wiIl be holding their primaries, today, February 28th  is really Super Tuesday.

 Maybe even Super-Duper-Tuesday!

You see, today is my birthday!

February is a great month to have a birthday, as there are just not a lot of other things going on, I don’t have to share the day with any big sports event, or compete with another holiday, or other obligations of the season…

No one has to get the house painted, weed the garden or for the most part attend baby showers, weddings or graduations. 

In fact, there is usually SO little going on, people cannot WAIT for the opportunity to go out, catch up, and have some fun with you. YUP, it’s just perfect.

There is an old stereotype about people not wanting to acknowlege birthdays, but I love it. Today I am 54, and have not even peaked yet. 

But why should I have all the fun??  Please celebrate with me!  Wherever you are today, imagine you are wearing a pointy hat with a tinsel pom-pom on it, make a wish, and have a cupcake on me (calories don’t count when it’s birthday-oriented!)  It is a Happy Day, indeed!!